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Blog Page 96

Silicone Ink (i.e. Ink as Insurance Policy)

Silicone ink is like insurance, you hate it but sometimes you just have to have it. As with many things in life, you have to take the good with the bad with silicone ink. It is expensive to buy the ink, roughly three times the cost of plastisol inks. However,  ink isn’t the main part…

Stretching and Blocking – Fun with Spandex (and Dye Migration)

All purpose ink that works for everything? Fahgettaboudit Today’s post considers a new dye blocking ink to print with a little more smooth, soft, and stretchy results. These days if you only want to print basic t-shirts you will go out of business. Polyesters, spandex, bamboo, rayon, triblends, wicking, ringspun, open end and all kinds…

Web Wedneday – Recycling Ink Blues, Recycling Blue Inks

We took some ink just sitting on the shelf (295C) and made it into an ink we needed to print today (539C) We test drove the Rutland recycling system within their DMX software and it worked out great. This is no cure for getting rid of all the ink we all have sitting around, but…

FREE SHIRTS!!!!!!!!!

I have a radio show on a local community station near me, WMBR. In honor of Willie Nelson playing in town today we gave away a free Farm Aid shirt. Now I just started this show “If 6 was 9” a couple of weeks ago and haven’t really built a following yet, but when I offered…

Misprint Monday – GOAL!!! World Cup Mis-steps

I’m not sure who will win the world cup, though in my pool I’m doing pretty well so far with the Netherlands and Chile. Brazil may have a great team, but I’m disgusted by the horrible police brutality going on in Brazil around the World Cup. However, thoughts today are on neither of those things, I…

Mi impresión favorita

  A menudo la gente me pregunta cual es mi impresión favorita. Esta cuestión es simple pero es la que me da más satisfacción. Esta impresión fue diseñada como cinta continua. El truco fue conseguir la parte alta de la cinta ligeramente clara y que las sombras fueran suaves y realistas. La solución para la…

Great Minds Think Alike

KC’s post from Thursday reminded me of this print that we ran years ago.  Our appliqué effect was created with a 90/10 base/black for drop shadow and a puff underlay.  I guess great minds really do think alike.  

Welcome to Our Kitchen

The new Ink Kitchen column was introduced in the latest issue of Wearbles.  Additionally, some thoughts on water-base ink from my buddy Dan at Forward Printing as well as my words on the printed tank worn by the cover model which was produced at Motion Textile.  Wearables is doing great things, glad to be a part of it.  …

Throwback Thursday– My Favorite Print

People often ask me what my favorite print is. That’s a doozy of a question but the one that brought me the most satisfaction was this one. It was designed so that the type was a continuous ribbon. The trick was to get the high part of the ribbon a little lighter, and the shadows…

Web Wednesday– from a Designer’s Perspective

Every now and then during the course of a crazy day when questions are flying about garment styles and available colors and you find yourself thumbing back and forth through catalogs throwing little pieces of sticky notes between the pages to save the sections you’ll need to go back and reference… you discover that someone has…

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