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How It’s Printed: CA Faux Appliqué

The “CA Faux Appliqué” design which we printed live at ISS Long Beach garnered tremendous attention.  The Hirsch booth was swamped with folks wanting samples and of course wanting to know “how’s it printed?”.  Questions ranged from “do you do the stitching before the print?” or “that’s not really ink, is it?” to “what’s your EOM on the…

American Apparel To Move On Without Dov Charney – Bankruptcy Judge Rules

The New York Times has reported that a bankruptcy judge in the American Apparel bankruptcy reorganization case has ruled out Dov Charney’s 11th hour appeal for a different plan and this will leave Señor Charney out of the company on all levels. The Times reported however, “The judge expressed sympathy for Mr. Charney. “I have no…

Long Beach – Advice Tidbits Received

If you keep your ears open and wits about you, there are so many smart people in this industry to learn from. Depending on the timing and your mental attitude you can take some of the advice as superficial or profound. Here are a few of my zen master moments after ISS Long Beach and…

Long Beach Part 1: Know-It-Alls, Ink and Level Platens (…Pallets, whatever…)

Well, the Ink Kitchen “Know-It-Alls” descended on ISS Long Beach 2016 and we had a pretty damn good time and met a whole lot of great folks that do printing and embroidery. Here’s post numero uno regarding some of what we found in Long Beach this year. We had our guide to the show, many of the…

California Dreaming ISS Long Beach Day 1

Day 1 of ISS Long Beach was hopping! We’re printing live at the show in the Hirsch booth on the MHM SP-5000 and giving the shirts away at the Hanes booth as they come off the dryer. The deal is– give us a like on social media and we’ll give you one of these cool X-Temp shirts.…

ISS Long Beach Giveaway!

The Ink Kitchen is so psyched about the ISS Long Beach show that we’re running a giveaway on our Facebook page from January 22-26. Check out the details on Facebook (click on the title to expand this post and then on the image below) and leave a comment on which prize you’re hoping to win.

Sneak Peek of our ISS Long Beach Shirt

Here is a sneak peek of the shirt we’ll be printing at the Hirsch booth on Hanes X-Temp shirts at the ISS Long Beach show. Come watch us print at Hirsch, booth #1635 and #1735, and get your free shirt at the Hanes booth #1227. All the Know It Alls will be there to chat and answer your garment and decorating questions.

Learning: Our Field Trip to Amy’s Kitchen

We are on the eve of attending our industry’s big show, ISS in Long Beach, CA this week. However, I was reminded this week that if you keep your eyes open, you can learn things from outside your industry almost as well as within. My pals at Iggy’s Bread always give me inspiration on how…

American Apparel Declares Bankruptcy – Relax

The New York Times this morning is reporting that American Apparel has filed for bankruptcy. It always is a scary word, this “bankruptcy,” but at least two big equipment manufacturers and one big garment company in our industry have gone through it and come out as very strong companies afterward. There really should different words, but instead…

Silicone Inks at Long Beach ISS

If you are attending the Long Beach ISS show this week, you might want to check this out. Silicone is a great insurance policy IMHO. It can block dyes and it really can stretch. We have posted on it previously at the Ink Kitchen. Without a doubt silicone ink is one thing you need in…

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