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Blog Page 18

Print Girl Mafia

Print Girl Mafia came together as way for women in the apparel decoration industry to find support and a sounding board without having to battle the macho attitudes often found in this business. Watch the Shop Talk from Impressions Expo Atlantic City 2022  to learn more about it.  

How to Sell Promotional Products

If you’re not selling promotional products to your decorated apparel customers, someone else is. And they probably sell t-shirts and other custom apparel, too. Goodbye customer. It’s not hard to offer the additional customized items your customers want before they go to someone else who does. Watch this Shop Talk with Debbie Pasko of PPAI…

No! to White Ink Turning Pink: How to Prevent Dye Migration

Sometimes you’ll ship an order that was inspected and looked fantastic and then two days later the customer is calling saying there’s a problem- that white print on a red garment has turned pink. It’s one of the the worst feelings in the world. If you’re wondering why it happened and how to stop it…

Ink Curing. Read and Repeat

We have received a few requests to examine shirts lately where the ink cracked. I also have seen numerous posts on Facebook that ask, “did I overcure the ink?” Wishful thinking is usually involved in that last question. It is technically possible to overcure ink, but I have actually never seen it myself in over…

Learn Why Transfers Are for Shops of Every Size

Transfers offer solutions for shops of all sizes- from home-based small businesses to multi auto print shops. Josh Ellsworth of Stahls Transfer Express, Stan Banks of T-Shirt Side Hustle and Jason Murphy of Sanmar talk in detail about how transfers and a heat press are valuable tools for shops of any and every size in…

Talking Direct to Film/Direct Transfer Film WIth Nick Buettner

DTF is generating a lot of buzz in the apparel decorating industry and it’s not just about what the acronym really stands for. Get a deep technical walk through the process with Nick Buettner of Imaging Supply Warehouse. If you’re a technical nerd, this one is for you!  

Social Media for Your Apparel Decorating Business- Then and Now

We got the dream team together in Long Beach to talk about social media and your business. Stan Banks of T-Shirt Side Hustle, Allan Wade of A-Dubb Productions and Jon Phenom of Clothing Brand Academy talk about the evolving social media landscape and how to use it to spotlight your business in this Shop Talk…

“If I Can Do It, You Can Do It” Allan Wade on Sharing Knowledge and Creating Success

Allan Wade of A-Dubb Productions has built a successful apparel decorating business and a big YouTube following by bringing his viewers along on his journey. What started as a small solution to a specific situation has now grown into a full-time business. Come learn what it takes, both in technical skill and mindset, to start…

Adding Online Stores and Fulfillment to Your Screen Printing Business

Adding online stores and fulfillment to your screen printing business seems like a ‘peanut butter and chocolate’ kind of naturally good pairing, but there are a lot of factors to consider. Rick sat down with Eric Solomon of Night Owls, Brett Bowden of Printed Threads and Pam Ikegami of Doing Good Merch to discuss the…

Working With Brands- What You Need to Know

There’s more to launching a brand than having a great design, or a press. Whether you want to start your own brand or have customers looking to start their own, it’s crucial to understand how the industry works. Jon Phenom of Clothing Brand Academy knows the ins and outs of creating a brand from all…

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