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Blog Page 19

What’s the Future of POD and E-commerce?

Understanding what’s going on in the branded merchandise space helps you make decisions about your shop’s future. The rise of print on demand and e-commerce is re-shaping the industry and our speakers Alex Phelan of Merchadise, Alex Young of POND Threads and Merchadise, and Jason Murphy of Sanmar lay out the past, present and future…

Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine

There is a humanitarian crisis in Ukraine (Soviet government always called it “the” Ukraine. Ukrainians are sensitive about this, call it simply “Ukraine”) caused by the invasion by Russia. We have friends in Ukraine and they recommend Vostok-SOS as an organization doing a great job with minimal bureaucracy. We recommend if you are so moved,…

In It For The Long Haul

We’ve got a free master class for you in today’s Shop Talk video. I interviewed Lon Winters of Graphic Elephants and Rick Roth of Ink Kitchen and Mirror Image about how they started in screen printing, what they wish they had known back then, and what they’ve learned since. So much good info in this…

Talking Community with The Shirt Show

A couple of years ago two screen print shop owners, Andy Rudman of Shirt Kong and Dylan Gilligan of Upstate Merch, decided to open their weekly conversations to the community at large and created The Shirt Show podcast. In this Shop Talk Rick talks with Andy and Dylan about what’s happening in the screen printing…

Dov Charney Talks Garment Trends

Dov Charney, the man who brought us the original, iconic American Apparel brand, tells us what he sees coming next in garment trends in this Shop Talk from Impressions Expo in Long Beach. Get rid of those flimsy tri-blends. According to Dov, heavy-weight cotton in a wider cut, that’s to say “schleppy”, is going to be…

Dallas Cowboys Buy Printavo and Inksoft (sort of…)

Blue Star Innovation Group (BSIG) and PSG just bought Printavo and Inksoft, former competitors in the software arena in the garment decoration world. BSIG is Jerry Jones and more, including all of his children, operating out of the Dallas Cowboy complex. There is no word yet on whether Jerry (Net Worth 10.3 Billion Dollars) will…

Creating Effective Videos for Marketing on Social Media

Learn how to use your cell phone to create powerful marketing content that will grab people’s attention. You don’t need to be a pro or buy fancy equipment. Your phone will do just fine. Don’t know what kind of content to create? Experts Sergio Ramirez of Video Marketing Beast and Stan Banks of T-Shirt Side…

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

We all know how to talk to customers. Don’t swear at them. Don’t call them names. Use that special customer service voice. But the most important way is to make sure they are happy with not only their end product, but also with the experience they had when ordering that product.  The best way to…

Easy Fixes for Common Screen Making Mistakes

If your screens aren’t right, your screen prints won’t be right. Sounds simple enough, but it’s only easy to fix if you know what to do. We kicked off the 2022 Shop Talk series at the Impressions Expo in Long Beach talking about common screen making mistakes and how to fix them with Kevin Kauth…

Back to the Whiteboard? Production Planning

When we were in little league, our coaches always had a white board with a layout of the game field that showed us our play, where each player should go and what we should do. As our company has grown, I started thinking about how we could more simply communicate with our team when things change.…

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