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IK Interview: LT Magnotto of JakPrints,

We’re kicking off a series of interviews with people all across the garment decoration industry. Our first interviewee is LT Magnotto, a man of many talents. In addition to his work at JakPrints and his company Seps.Ink, he is also a founder of Guardian Cold Brew . I think that delicious coffee (you can order beans…

Executive Dialogue: Danny Sweem of M&R

In this edition of Executive Dialogue we talked about COVID-19 and the industry with Danny Sweem, CEO of M&R… Rick: I remember being shocked when you announced at the end of February that M & R had decided to pull out of the FESPA trade show. I thought you were being overly cautious, and I…

Press On – Episode 5: How Suppliers are Coping with the COVID-19 Crisis

In Episode 5 of Press On we talked to industry suppliers to get their take on the challenges presented by the COVID-19 crisis. #LETSPRESSON

How to Print Bandanas

  No doubt that printing loads of bandanas will be part of our “new normal”.  Here are some tips for success… 1) Iron or Steam Buy a commercial iron and/or steamer and treat every piece prior to printing to flatten wrinkles in the fabric.  It sounds like a lot of work, but it’s not as…

Live Graphic-Apparel Design Webinars on April 22, 24 and 29

Don’t miss the upcoming PolyOne Specialty Ink webinar series “Understanding Graphic-Apparel Design,” featuring Ink Kitchen’s own Tom Davenport, KC Hruby and Ink Kitchen BFF LT Magnotto of JakPrints and  Learn more about the craft and science of graphic-apparel design, from concept to final product, from some of the best in the business.  The webinars will be…

Reece University: State of the Industry Report with Ink Kitchen

Our friends at Reece Supply have put together an impressive webinar series for the whole week.  This morning, our own Rick Roth was joined by Marcia Derryberry of Impressions and Jason Murphy of Sanmar to discuss the state of the industry.  You can watch the webinar replay by clicking here.

Press On – Episode 4: Getting Through This Together

In Press On – Episode 4, we continue to bring together some of the brightest and best people in this industry to talk through some of the challenges and successes and to share ideas as a community. Because Together IS Better. We’re looking at how to use your shop to serve your community, the fast-paced…

Shop Talk at Impressions Expo Long Beach 2020: Marketing on a Shoestring with Bruce Ackerman

Bruce Ackerman, Founder of Printavo, knows that to build a business you need more than just great products and service, you need effective marketing too.  Bruce joined Shop Talk at Impressions Expo Long Beach 2020 to discuss marketing on a shoestring…

A Leader Doing What You Hope They Might Do: Lead! A Conversation with Jeremy Lott of SanMar

The Ink Kitchen caught up with Jeremy Lott the President of SanMar: With the industry and SanMar no doubt in a crisis mode during this health and economic catastrophe, I’m sure you are more than a busy guy. Thanks for taking a few minutes for Ink Kitchen readers. Rick:  At what point did you realize…

Press On – Episode 3: What’s Keeping You Going?

Episode 3 of Press On poses a few questions to decorators to help us understand what’s keeping them going during these toughest of times.  Thanks to La Tonna, Peter, Justin, and Kevin for the sincere responses! #LETSPRESSON

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