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Kornit Fashion Week

Kornit decided to throw a big party at Kornit Fashion Week in Los Angeles this year and they made quite the impression. Over the week they threw several parties serving delicious beverages and VIP dinners with great food. There were several keynote talks and a tour of Denim FWD. We arrived in time for a happy…

Automation Is for Shops of Every Size

In this Shop Talk video Ed Levy of Hirsch Solutions talks with Rick about automating embroidery and other decorating processes for shops of all sizes. Automation used to be too expensive for smaller operations, but now it has become accessible to all. Rick shares how it went when Mirror Image integrated embroidery automation and Ed…

Want to Know What’s Involved in Starting a Decorating Business?

One of the most fascinating Shop Talks from the Atlantic City Impressions Expo was this panel discussing what it takes to start and run a small, medium or large decorating business. Stan Banks of T-Shirt Side Hustle, Lon Winters of Graphic Elephants and Dennis Tam of Ampersand Print Co joined moderator Rick Roth and walked…

Aaron Feuerstein R.I.P.

Aaron Feuerstein passed away at age 95 on November 4th. December 11, 1995 the factory Malden Mills in Lawrence, Massachusetts burned to the ground in one of the biggest fires in New England’s history. The owner Aaron Feuerstein instead of taking the $300,000,000 and closing down, paid his 3,000 workers for months and paid their…

S and S…and T and S and C…. S &S Activewear Purchases TSCApparel

S and S Activewear signed an agreement to purchase TSC Apparel. This comes on the heels of the acquisition of S & S by investment group CD&R (Clayton, Dubilier & Rice) earlier this year. No word yet on the fate of the six TSC Apparel warehouses. This is further concentration of the garment distribution business…

Print Hustlers 2021

Print Hustlers 2021, produced by Printavo and MADE Lab, was held last weekend (October 22-23) at the Ace Hotel in Chicago.  Speakers from music, sports, and food and beverage backgrounds, as well as some exceptional folks from our own industry, spoke about creativity, design, sales, manufacturing and business, sharing knowledge about the mindsets and approaches that have been the foundation…

USPS Changes Reflect … Reality?

Ready for a repeat of the 2020 holiday season shipping logistics madness? Ready or not, it’s coming. Yesterday the USPS put its holiday surge pricing into effect. The increases most likely to effect your t-shirt fulfillment business are the $0.30 to $0.75 increases for first-class packages, Priority Mail and Priority Mail Express. If the past…

Count Your Shirts

Sometimes you have too much work to do and in order to move fast, you cut corners.  You get a couple thousand shirts at the dock, you don’t feel like you have time to count it and then the customer picks it up before you get your final counts. Now the customer gets back to you…

Happy Earth Day!

It’s almost Earth Day, which means it’s a great time to talk about sustainability in our industry. Almost any apparel brand you can think of likes to highlight their sustainability efforts or their CSR (corporate social responsibility), but the truth is there aren’t many ways to measure or compare these efforts, and more importantly, the…

Prices Will Be Rising, SanMar Leads the Way on Transparency as to Why

As more people get vaccinated and begin to get back to more interactive daily routines, the effects of Covid-19 continue to rest a heavy hand on our industry. The global pandemic has disrupted global supply chains in a way no one has experienced before and we can’t realistically expect everything to bounce back to what it…

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