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How Employees with Disabilities Benefit Businesses & Solve Hiring Challenges

If you are struggling with hiring and employee retention issues in your business, you may be overlooking a valuable segment of the population, individuals with disabilities. Study after study shows that companies that hire people with disabilities have higher productivity, lower absenteeism, and better employee morale. Rick sat down with Jed Seifert of Stakes Manufacturing,…

Fort Worth Impressions Expo 2023

Fort Worth Impressions Expo 2023 starts today. Ink Kitchen has a full complement of speakers including some new voices like Sam Lapcevic of Branded Threads speaking on some practical uses of AI today at 4. Tomorrow features one of our most absolutely inspiring speakers Jed Seifert talking about the benefits of hiring folks with “disabilities”…

Machines We Love: Karcher Power Washer

This is second of a series on machines we love.  These are machines that help us get our decorating work done and we don’t have to mess with them, they just go and go. For this machine, we had to go outside the industry. I hear of so many people that buy new power washers…

No Trim, No Stop, All Color. Instant Color Embroidery: Coloreel

Rick sat down with Ed Levy, Director of Software Technology at  Hirsch Solutions  to talk about Coloreel, a revolutionary new technology that eliminates the need for thread inventory and color changes in embroidery. This saves time, money, and labor, and results in a smoother, cleaner back side of the garment. Coloreel works by instantly dyeing…

A New Series on Artificial Intelligence! Fahrenheit AI

This is actually a real person writing without aid of artificial intelligence, well actually spellcheck just fixed two things already… Fahrenheit AI is a new Ink Kitchen series on artificial intelligence and it’s meaning for our industry. It is a creation by our brilliant colleague and friend,  Michelle Moxley Hruby (@notoriousrandd) Episode 1 is a…

Machines We Love: MHM SP5000 Press

This is first of a series on machines we love.  These are machines that help us get our decorating work done and we don’t have to mess with them, they just go and go.   The first of these is our MHM SP5000 screenprinting press. This is very similar to our MHM SP3000 press that…

Misprint Monday: Approved!

I like to usually draw from our actual mistakes. Readers seem to take some solace in my confessions, maybe making their own errors less painful to bear.   On this one I can’t mention the customer but the lesson is still a good one. We had a customer that we showed a test print to.…

Machines We Love

In the coming days I’m going to highlight machines that I love. Why do I love them? I love them because I don’t think about them. They help us get the job done of decorating shirts and just work and work and work without any thought required. These range from big to small, high initial…

Checking Out Shirt Lab

First, great that Shirt Lab picked the funnest place on earth New Orleans to have their live event, training and inspiration on business, sales and marketing in the apparel biz. The event was very well organized, fast pace without losing anyone, informational and inspirational. I have a relatively big shop and got a lot out…

Misprint Monday: Damn Lint

Lint is everywhere in our shops and we strive to keep it out of the printing process, but some shirts are terrible and some not so bad, but it really is unavoidable. Beside diligence, there are answers. When we have very long runs and particularly with very linty shirts, you can print a base screen…

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