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Blog Page 24

Review of Action Engineering Mask Platen

We just tested out the Action Engineering mask hold-downs for printing masks. They have worked great for us, even on what I thought would be difficult masks, some triple ply pleated masks. We do NOT want glue on the inside of the mask, so even printing single ply masks we did not want to secure…

Face Covers, i.e. Masks are Here to Stay

We avoided mask printing at first. It seemed: to be taking advantage of a bad situation, too mercenary with people dying they medically don’t protect you that well you have to explain it covers your face and stops y0u from coughing out but not as well for breathing virus in some were really expensive some…

Varieties of Face Coverings. Part 1 of a Series

A mask is a mask is a mask, right? No. It seems like we have endless combinations of masks and face coverings. Besides the protective N95 masks, there are many other options for face coverings. Most responsible sources of information recommend wearing a face mask in public, and it seems to be part of the…

Sanmar Partners with Allmade

Allmade, a formerly self distributed brand started by screenprinters, has officially partnered with Sanmar.  The partnership will allow for better distribution and inventory for the brand. Four years ago a group of ten screen printers and Ryonet’s Ryan Moor set out on a mission to make a better t-shirt. It all started with job creation…

Gildan 1st Quarter

You can see the state of Gildan in their most recent press release here.  You also can listen a recording of their most recent investor’s call and see the powerpoint of the presentation here.  It gives a picture, not so pretty,  of their empire at the moment. Like most of us, they have taken extreme…

What’s New in Shopify Now

Shopify held its first-ever livestream, Reunite, to announce new and upcoming features on the ecommerce platform. They had a lot to offer to retailers looking to get online quickly and competently. With half of retail stores in the US shut down in late April, the economic repercussions of Covid-19 have been severe and many businesses…

PolyOne Rumored to be Closing Pineville, NC Facility

We have not seen the official statement yet from PolyOne, but the Rutland ink facility in Pineville, NC is apparently closing. This may have been accelerated by the current pandemic and economic recession, but has been rumored since PolyOne acquired Rutland in June 2017, three years ago. There is considerable overlap between the PolyOne previously…

Executive Dialogue: Rachel Newman of Hanes

In this edition of Executive Dialogues, we caught up with Hanes VP, Rachel Newman to talk about the Hanes response to the COVID-19 crisis… Rick: When did you and Hanes know this COVID 19 would be such a game-changer? I know that you were one of the first companies I heard to take serious measures.…

IK Interview: Joe Sudrovic of Gorilla Joe Printing

This week we interviewed Joe Sudrovic, owner of Gorilla Joe Printing in Youngstown, OH. IK: How long have you been involved with printing and/or garments and how long since you have been “in” the industry? JS: Since high school. I’ve been “in” the industry, printing semi ok garments at first, since 2011. IK: How did you…

Shop Talk at Impressions Expo Long Beach 2020: Bobbin Tension with Bill Garvin

The always informative and entertaining Bill Garvin, of BG Tech Services, joins Shop Talk at Impressions Expo Long Beach 2020 to discuss the importance of bobbin tension in embroidery.

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